Bringing together the most influential scholars in the field, the fifth edition of this best-selling text provides unrivalled coverage of international relations theories and arguments. Dunne, Kurki and Smith explore the full spectrum of theoretical perspectives and debates, ranging from the historically dominant traditions of realism, liberalism and Marxism to traditionally marginalised postcolonialism and green theory. The fifth edition features a new chapter on global IR, encouraging students to critically reflect on the context of the field’s development and appreciate the importance of viewing international relations theories from truly representative perspectives. Each chapter is dedicated to a particular theory and features a case study that bridges theory and practice by showing how theory can be used to explain real world political dilemmas, whilst accompanying case study questions encourage analytical thinking and help readers understand the value of applying theory to concrete political problems. Spotlights on key books and articles encourage readers to go beyond the textbook and develop their research interests, exploring important works in the field. Digital formats and resources The fifth edition is available for students and institutions to purchase in a variety of formats, and is supported by online resources. – The e-book offers a mobile experience and convenient access along with functionality tools, navigation features, and links that offer extra learning support: – This text is supported by a range of online resources, to encourage deeper engagement with the subject matter. For students: – Explore areas of research interest with web links organized by chapter that point you to pertinent articles and useful websites – Test your understanding of key terms with the flashcard glossary – Use our revision guide as a useful overview of key theories and issues to form the basis for your assessment preparation -Develop your skills of critical evaluation with pointers on answering case study questions, helping you to apply theories to real world issues For lecturers: – Use the adaptable PowerPoint slides as the basis for lecture presentations or seminar discussion, ensuring efficient, effective teaching preparation
International Relations Theories
€51.75 incl. VAT
Available on backorder
SKU: 9780198814443
Categories: Politology, Social Sciences
author | Milja Kurki, Steve Smith, Tim Dunne |
year | 2020 |
publisher | Oxford University Press |
binding | Paperback |
ISBN | 9780198814443 |
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