UPI2M BOOKS is a publishing and distribution company, engaged in the publishing and distribution of books and periodicals in the field of architecture, civil engineering, design and art.


Our bookstore is recognized as a place with a diverse range of domestic and foreign books and magazines in the field of architecture, design and art. Following all current events in domestic and foreign publishing, we strive to enrich our offer and to follow newest trends in the world of architecture and visual arts. Thanks to the high quality selection of books and the professional approach of our staff, UPI2M BOOKS is the inevitable place for architects, planners, students and scholars.

Medulićeva 20
10000 Zagreb


From its very beginnings, our publishing program included a variety of subject areas and creative approach, with a special emphasis on top quality books, from content, unique design solutions to the print. Up to now, UPI2M BOOKS has published over 40 titles, which can be found at our retail outlets, as well as at bookshops in Croatia and some other European cities.

UPI2M BOOKS publishing


In order to ensure the quality and diverse selection of publications in the field of architecture, civil engineering, design and art, our distribution includes numerous professional books and magazines not only of domestic production but also of the popular titles from other countries. Our sales network ensures the presence of these editions in Croatian bookstores, as well as in specialized international bookshops.

We are also distributors of the well-known Dutch-American designer brand Kikkerland. Thanks to the exceptional quality and attractiveness of their products, Kikkerland became a recognizable brand of unique and useful gifts and accessories.